
Worship Service: February 23, 2025

8:30 and 11:00 a.m.  Worship Service


Senior Pastor: Rev. Seth Saathoff

Scripture Readings:  Psalm 1; Luke 6:17-26.

Gospel Music Sunday

Flowers in the Sanctuary

Today’s flowers are given to the glory of God
by Judy Weinburger, to honor all who believe in Christ.

2025 Flower Calendar

Please keep in mind that our 2025 flower calendar is now on the Welcome Desk.
Be sure to write in your dedications for the times of year that are significant to you and your loved ones.
Flower arrangements are $45.

"I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see Him with my own eyes."

(Job 19:25-27a)

Join us for Wednesday Night Live 

What's for Dinner?

February 26th

March 5th 

Chicken fajitas

Pancake supper

WNL Class: Theology 101 (Led by Rev. Seth Saathoff)

Justification. Sanctification. Incarnation. Atonement. Christology. Pneumatology. Ecclesiology. Eschatology. Hypostatic union.  

 Whether you’re new to the faith or a lifelong Christian, you may have trouble articulating what any of these terms mean. Perhaps you’ve heard them in church before, maybe you vaguely remember your middle school Sunday School teacher talking about them, or perhaps your sweet Baptist next-door neighbor mentioned one of these words in passing and you still have no idea what they were talking about.

Whatever the case, this is the class for you.   During this Wednesday Night Live class, Rev. Saathoff will offer a broad overview of key theological ideas and terms. This class will be taught with the assumption that you are encountering these concepts for the very first time, so it is perfect for beginners, those who haven’t been to church in a while, or those who could use a refresher course.  

Annual Meeting of the  Congregation - March 2

The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will take place on March 2nd at the 11:00 worship service. There we will learn of the church‘s projected budget, as well as going over highlights of the many committees at FPC. Annual Reports will be provided at that time.

Sunday, March 2 - Lunch is Served!

Lunch will be provided for the congregation following the 11:00 service on Sunday, March 2. Raising Cane’s chicken will be served, along with sides and dessert.  

The lunch is provided to kick off our Capital Campaign to raise funds to reduce our building debt. By doing so, our church can use funds we now pay for debt service (about 25% of our budget) toward church outreach, education, and staff.

You are invited to join us for lunch to find out about the Capital Campaign and how you can be part of this opportunity. We hope to see you there! 

Ash Wednesday Meal and Worship - March 5th

On March 5th we will have our final Wednesday Night Live of the season. Our traditional pancake supper will be served at 5:00 p.m., followed by our Ash Wednesday worship service at 6:00 in the Sanctuary. We hope to see you there.

20's, 30's, 40's Group

For those who are in our young adult age range, please plan to join us at Tuscany Italian Grill (1259 Grand Central Parkway, Conroe 77304) on February 21, from 6:00-9:00 p.m.

The church will provide complimentary babysitting during that time. Parents, please bring dinner for your children. For questions, info, or to RSVP join in the GroupMe Chat at https:// and include your child care needs, so we can plan accordingly. Can’t wait to see you there!

Our Sunday Morning Schedule

8:30 a.m.  Worship Service with Communion
9:00 a.m. Fellowship (Bistro)
9:30 a.m.  Sunday School Classes
10:30 a.m.  Fellowship (Narthex)
10:35 a.m.  Praise Band (Sanctuary)
11:00 a.m.  Worship Service

The 11:00 a.m. Service is streamed live to: (Watch live or later)

Facebook  (FPCConroe)

YouTube  (FPCConroe)

FPC Church APP

Annual Background Checks:

It is time for annual background checks. If you are a volunteer working with children under the age of 18, in any capacity, and have not completed a background check in the last year, please go to the following link to complete a background check form

If you need a background check with driving record (to drive the church bus), please contact Dena Sowden for that form at

Quilt Raffle at the Sew-a-thon!

The Mission Sewing Group will be holding a Quilt Raffle in conjunction with the upcoming Sew-a-Thon. Tickets will be for sale at the Sew-a-Thon Registration Table in the Narthex before and after the 11:00 Service for the next three Sundays, and during the Sew-a-Thon on February 22.

Tickets are $5 donation for one ticket and $20 donation for 5 tickets. The drawing will be at 2:00 on February 22.   The Winner of the 2025 Quilt Raffle will choose either one quilt on display or one quilt from our “stash.” Winner’s choice!  Pictures can be seen above.  Proceeds will go to the FPC Forever Fund.

More about the Fourteenth Annual Sew-a-thon

Registration for this event will begin on February 2nd and end on February 16th.

A delicious lunch, prepared by Shirley Dukes and her team, will be served at 12:30 to all volunteers.   If you are unavailable on the 22nd, you can still help by contributing some of the items that go in the Bags of Love.

You will find a list of needed items below. You can also make a monetary contribution to the project by writing a check to FPC, with a notation Bags of Love. Items (new or gently used) are also needed for the Silent Auction  Proceeds from the Silent Auction fund the work of the Mis sion Sewing Group. If you have questions or want more information, call Liz Kessler  (713)  818-1006 or Linda Harshbarger (281) 610 6162.

Items Needed for the Bags of Love

Stuffed animals


Baby teething rings

Boy toys - all ages

Kids toothbrushes / toothpaste

Books - all ages

Coloring books

Baby 3-in-1


Baby rattles

Toddler toys


Kids 3-in-1 (body wash, shampoo, conditioner)


Prayer Workshop:
Fasting and Feasting on the Word During Lent

Rev. Callie Candee will be hosting a Prayer Session for Lenten Practices on March 8, from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.  

In the season of Lent we are called to the discipline of fasting as one of the ways we demonstrate our love for Christ as He heads to Jerusalem to offer himself up for us. Fasting is commonly held up as the physical act of refraining from food, but fasting can also include the conscious decision to refrain from attitudes and behaviors that block us from God and from one another. Feasting on God’s Word and engaging in loving and compassionate words and deeds affirms our joy in this season. I’ve chosen Isaiah 58: 1-12 for our contemplation and I encourage you to begin to sit with this text as the workshop approaches.

A sign up sheet will be available soon; also, feel free to contact me via email at

Type your new text here.

Spiritual Direction with Rev. Callie Candee

Christians have sought out silent prayer retreats for centuries; driven by a hun ger for closer communion with God, we choose times of silence, of meditation of Scripture, to hear God more clearly and to follow Jesus’ invitation to 'come away with me to a quiet place and rest.' In our ever too busy world, such an invitation is a blessing, as we enter stillness, reflection upon God’s Word, and open ourselves to hearing more fully God’s response to us. Rev. Callie Candee is offering one-on-one Spiritual Direction sessions for our congregation. Please contact the church office to schedule a session with her at (936) 756-8884.

73rd Annual Men's Conference at Mo Ranch

When:  May 2-4, 2025 (Enrollment Open)

Details:  The Cost is $375 per participant.

All men 18+ are invited to attend.   Youth between 13-17 may attend if  they register with an accompanying  adult sponsor.
If we get a large enough   group we can take the church bus.   If you are interested in attending,
please contact Rev. Seth Saathoff at ls.

Fellowship Sunday School Class

The Fellowship Sunday School class invites you to join their study each Sun day at 9:30 a.m. They are presently conducting a short study on Moses, after which they will start a study on the Parables.  

If anyone would like to join via Zoom, that is also an option. The link is: pwd=AdkAvynUbFSDwwusry9kmEgidSwHvG.1

Need Your Help Closing Doors

With the colder weather setting in, some of the church’s exterior doors are not coming to a complete close on their own. We ask that as you leave the building, regardless of which doors you’re exiting from, that you make sure the door(s) close completely behind you before walking away. This simple safety measure would make sure our campus is secure for those entering after you.

Thank you for helping out in this way.

FPC Hosting Family Promise in March

FPC will be hosting Family Promise March 10-14. If you are able to help with this, please sign the signup sheet, which will be available through mid February.

Life Line Screening Event March 28, 2025

We have great news, FPC will be hosting a Life Line Screening event on 3/28/2025. Life Line Screening is the premier provider of stroke and cardiovascular disease risk screenings since 1993.

As the host of the event, Life Line Screening is extending a special offer to all of our (organization name) members for a screening package that enables you to get peace of mind or early detection.  

 To make an appointment, go to WWW.LLSA.SOCIAL/HSCA or call 888-814-0466 to schedule your appointment! A simple screening can be worth a lifetime.

Saturday with the Saathoffs

The Saathoff family wants to get to know our FPC family and is inviting you to dinner! Use the link to choose an upcoming Saturday that works for you.

(The Link above is now operational. Please try again if you previously had problems with it.)

14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Psalm 19:14

If you encounter problems with this website (links, etc.) please report them directly to Donna Kattner
at for a quick fix. Suggestions are also welcome. Thank you.

Save the Date for Upcoming Events ...

Feb 21                                                        20's, 30's, & 40's Dinner at Tuscany Italian Grill

Feb 22                                                       14th Annual Sew-a-Thon / Go Texan Parade

Feb 23                                                        Gospel Music Sunday

Mar 2                                                           Annual Congregational Meeting

Mar 5                                                           Ash Wednesday Service and Pancake Supper

Mar 9                                                           Daylight Saving Time begins

Mar 10-14                                               PDS/CISD  Spring Break  / FPC Hosting Family Promise

Mar 28                                                         Lifeline Screenings at FPC

Wear Your Name Badges!

To help Rev. Saathoff and his wife, Katy, get to know us easier, members are encouraged to wear their name badges on Sunday, September 15, and subsequent Sundays as well.

In case you’ve lost your badge or need a replacement, new badges with magnetic backings have been printed and are available in the narthex. Please see Pat Hudson if you have any questions.  

Also, all church members are asked to wear their name badges when visiting FPC and/or PDS. Anyone that does not have a badge should stop at the FPC office and get one before entering any other area of the building. While this may take a little extra time, it is necessary that we provide a safe environment for our school children, teachers and staff members. We appreciate your under standing.

Weekly Events ...

Saturday - February 22

9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  Annual Sew-a-Thon (FLC)
1:00 p.m.    Go Texan Parade (Downtown Conroe)

Sunday -February 23

8:30 a.m.    Worship Service with Communion

9:00 a.m.    Fellowship (Bistro)

9:30 a.m.   Bereans Sunday School Class with Bob Shepherd (Rm. 105)
                           Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus.

9:30 a.m.  Fellowship Class (Rm. 204)
                       Study of Moses, taught by Debra Geddes, Glenna Lang, and Glenn Elms.
                       Zoom: pwd=AdkAvynUbFSDwwusry9kmEgidSwHvG.1

9:30 a.m.   Exploring Our Faith with Susan Buckley (Rm. 206)

9:30 a.m.   Seekers' Bible Study with Randy Blanton (207)
                          Study of the Apostle Paul's letter to the Philippeans.

9:30 a.m.   FPC KID'S Sunday School (Rm. 203)

10:30 a.m.  Fellowship (Narthex)  

10:35 a.m.  Praise Band (Sanctuary)

11:00 a.m.  Worship  Service  (Sanctuary or Streamed Live)

                              FPC Church App

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.  The Spark 

Monday - February 24

1:30 p.m.  Monday Bible Study (Parlor)

Wednesday - February 26

9:30 a.m.   -  2:00 p.m. Mission Sewing (Rm. 105)
4:00 p.m.    Small Groups with Gordon Juhl
                            Studying  Timothy Keller's devotional "God's Wisdom for Navigating Life."
5:00 p.m.  WNL Meal (FLC)
5:45 p.m.   Handbells Practice (Sanctuary)
6:00 p.m.   Bible Study with Rev. Saathoff (Rm 105)
                           "Jesus and Me" for Youth (Youth Commons area)
7:00 - 8:00 p.m.  Chancel Choir Practice (Choir Room)

Sunday - March 2

8:30 a.m.  Worship With Communion

9:00 a.m.   Fellowship - Bistro

9:30 a.m.   Bereans Sunday School Class Bob Shepherd (Rm. 105)
                         Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus.

9:30 a.m.  Fellowship Class (Rm. 204)
                       Study of Moses, taught by Debra Geddes, Glenna Lang, and Glenn Elms.
9:30 a.m.   Exploring Our Faith with Susan Buckley (Rm. 206)

9:30 a.m.   Seekers' Bible Study with Randy Blanton (207)
                           Study of the Apostle Paul's letter to the Philippians

9:30 a.m.    FPC Kid's  Sunday School (Rm. 203)

10:30 a.m.  Fellowship (Narthex)  

10:35 a.m.  Praise Band (Sanctuary)

11:00 a.m.  Worship  Service  (Sanctuary or Streamed Live)

                              FPC Church App (See Downloads at

12:00 p.m.   Lunch is Served!

12:30 p.m.  Committee Meetings

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.   The Spark (Gym)

Our 2024 flower calendar is available at the Welcome Desk if you would like to sign up for a flower dedication. The flowers always contribute nicely to our Sunday worship services,
and they are yours to take home if you so wish.

Prayer List Updates:

Please help us keep the list updated. Your assistance is appreciated.