A young, poor girl was on her way to church on Christmas Eve. She had no money for a Christmas gift for the church; so on her way to mass, she stopped and picked a handful of “weeds” from the side of the dusty road. The girl brought the native Mexican “weeds” into the church and set them on the altar during the service. The “weeds” burst into brilliant, bright red color as they lay in the church.
Since then, poinsettias, which require short days to bloom, have been a traditional part of the people’s holiday. The legend above was derived centuries ago in Mexico and might explain why many people today still use the poinsettia to decorate their home during the Advent season.
We, at First Presbyterian Church, will fill our sanctuary with poinsettias during the Advent season because of their vibrant colors. The red symbolizes God’s love for us and the green symbolizes everlasting life.
To help us bring these meanings to life in the church, you may purchase a poinsettia in memory or in honor of a loved one, a special occasion or a relevant event. Simply complete the information below, and enclose $15 for each poinsettia. Place your form and cash/check in the collection plate or return to the church office. Thank you.
Phone Number__________________________________________________________
Number of desired poinsettias_________________________________________
Amount enclosed________________________________________________________
Dedicated to______________________________________________________________
(Please print clearly)