Invest in God's Kingdom (continued)

Our Youth, which has weekly Spark meetings and has summer mission trips, one away and one at home. This past summer, they went to Colorado Springs where they painted the house, detached garage, and large front porch of an elderly woman in just 3 days. Then the Youth crew worked with Crossfire Ministries with their food pantry in receiving and sorting food into bags for distribution. At the church, they served as staff for VBS and painted the youth room and two adjacent rooms at church.

We have an opportunity to actively invest in these programs by giving back some of the resources that God has given us. By giving financially, we not only provide a place for our community to worship; we also provide an important home for PDS and our Youth to meet. By giving our time with the mission outreach programs, we give hope to our community. With the resources God has given us, we can invest in our church’s children, mission outreach, and youth to show the love and hope of Jesus Christ.

You will soon receive a pledge card with a letter from Fred Kate, our Treasurer, along with a copy of the church’s operating budget that provides details of what it costs to maintain our church. Please plan to return this card on November 12, Dedication Sunday. We ask that you prayerfully consider how you are invited to invest in God’s Kingdom.

Peter 4:10: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”